LinkedIn bookmark list+ comment a post with images

1. Get there quickly – > with the right link and/or a bookmark:

In order to work efficiently with LinkedIn, it is becoming increasingly important to get there quickly. I have created a link list for you with some relevant links that you should keep an eye on.

You can bookmark this link list and put it in a browser folder. In my opinion, here are some practical links that you should use regularly.

Try these links that help you to get to a quick result :

1.        Company pages you follow – be aware that these companies are displayed in your profile!

2.        Events (past and upcoming) – check out your events for reaching out to the right people:

3.        People in your network – use the filters to find the right person:

4.        People that you follow (this are people you are not connected with but you listen to them):

5.         Who Follows you inside & outside of your network:

6.        You are a member in these groups:

Go to the button right “request” and you see which are still pending. Maybe you check the group application rules again and adjust your profile to be able to get a member?

7.        Hashtags you follow – make sure they are up to date:

8.        Saved Posts – check them out and engage on them if they are relevant for your network:

9.        Newsletters you subscribed to- be aware they are visible on your profile!

10.   My LinkedIn Newsletter 😉:

2. To comment on posts with a picture

You can now find a nice new function on your LinkedIn APP. When you comment on a post, you can now add pictures or add new ones. This makes commenting even more fun and gives you more visibility – especially outside your network. This function works for both personal and company posts.

Example for Teamwork posts:

Your company is presenting at a trade fair or congress. Your marketing department is already active and is sharing posts on the company page. You have just seen something exciting and captured it in a picture. Now all you have to do is go to your company page via the APP, comment on the relevant post with your picture and I guarantee you will get more attention and your marketing team will celebrate you.